Who will receive the $1,450 payment from SSI and when? Social Security unveils it

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Who will receive the $1,450 payment from SSI and when? Social Security unveils it

On November 29, 2024, people who get Supplemental Security Income will get their payments. Even though December 1, 2024 is the normal date, Social Security has not been able to set it that day.

Since Sunday is not a business day, Social Security has to send payments during the week, usually Monday through Friday. When there is a Federal holiday during the week, SSA needs to make changes as well. In December, however, SSI recipients will not get such a large payment. When will they get up to $1,450?

$1,450 for eligible recipients of the SSI program

As of December 31, 2024, this is the most a married couple will be able to get from SSI. Remember that your December Supplemental Security Income payment, which was sent out on November 29, will be up to $1,415 in total.

So, the amount eligible married couples receiving Supplemental Security Income payments will go up by $35. These are the people who get the most benefits. The 2025 COLA boost will make this boost possible.

Who will receive the $1,450 payment from SSI and when? Social Security unveils it
Source (Google.com)

In 2024, each person can get up to $943. After the 2025 COLA raise, people who get it will get up to $967. To be exact, each person will get an extra 24 dollars. This person can get up to $472 in 2024, and it will go up to $484 in 2025.

Not a recipient of the SSI program? Check if you qualify

SSI helps millions of Americans who don’t make much money. But a lot of other people don’t know that they might be able to get these monthly payments. Please fill out the form to learn more.

Among the basic requirements are:

  • having a low income
  • having little or no resources (money on hand or in your bank account)
  • having a disability, being blind, or at least 65 years old

Those who are already receiving Supplemental Security Income payments can explore options like the SNAP (Food Stamps) benefits program since they are compatible.

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