Understanding Your Knife Rights in Montana: A Legal Guide

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Understanding Your Knife Rights in Montana A Legal Guide

Montana has relatively lenient knife laws, but it’s still important to be aware of the regulations. The state allows individuals to possess and use various types of knives, but there are some limitations and restrictions to be aware of.

General Legality

  • Ownership: Montana does not ban the ownership of any particular type of knife. Individuals can legally own a wide variety of knives without needing a permit. This includes folding knives, fixed-blade knives, and automatic knives (switchblades).
  • Concealed Carry: It is generally legal to carry concealed knives in Montana. However, possessing or storing a knife with a blade 4 inches or longer is prohibited in school buildings.
  • Open Carry: There are no specific statutes against open carry for most types of knives in Montana. Generally, you can openly carry any knife that is legal to own.


  • Schools: The possession of a knife with a blade of 4 inches or more, a sword, or a straight razor is prohibited in schools.
  • Local Regulations: Local governments are allowed to pass ordinances that prohibit the possession of knives on their own property or in buildings they own or lease.
  • Harmful Use: It is illegal to use knives to purposely harm someone. According to 45-2-101(35), people are responsible if they get involved in a wrong deed (with knives) “knowingly”.

Amendments and Legal Changes

  • 2017 Amendment: Montana State H.B. 251 was passed, amending the state’s concealed weapon definition and carrying concealed weapons law. The amended law now defines “concealed weapon” as a concealed firearm, removing non-firearm weapons from its scope.
  • 2019 Amendment: According to the amended 2019 Montana law, local governments are not allowed to establish or enforce any regulations that limit or forbid individuals from owning, using, possessing, or selling knives, as long as the particular type of knife is not already banned by state law.


Violating Montana state-wide knife laws can result in a fine not exceeding $500, a jail term not exceeding 6 months, or both. Montana categorizes criminal offenses of possession into different degrees, each with its corresponding penalties, ranging from fines to jail terms, depending on the severity of the offense.


  1. https://pocketmontana.com/laws/knife/
  2. https://homesteadauthority.com/montana-knife-laws/
  3. https://nobliecustomknives.com/us-knife-laws/montana-knife-laws/
  4. https://owossoindependent.com/understanding-your-knife-rights-in-montana-a-legal-guide/
  5. https://discoveringmontana.com/montana/knife-laws/

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