2024 Update: Changes to Supplemental Security Income Benefits

by John
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Navigating financial challenges can be tough, especially for people with limited income and resources. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly financial assistance to eligible individuals. Understanding how SSI works, who qualifies, and how to apply is essential for anyone seeking this support.

What Is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

SSI is a federal program managed by the Social Security Administration (SSA). It helps individuals who are:

  • Aged (65 or older)
  • Blind
  • Disabled with limited ability to work

For 2024, the maximum federal SSI payment is $943 per month for individuals and $1,415 per month for couples. These amounts may change yearly based on cost-of-living adjustments.

Who Can Qualify for SSI?

To qualify for SSI benefits, applicants must meet certain conditions:

  1. Age or Disability:
    • Be 65 or older, blind, or have a severe disability that prevents substantial work.
  2. Income Limits:
    • Have a countable income below the federal benefit rate.
    • Certain exclusions apply (e.g., the first $20 of most income and the first $65 of earned income).
  3. Resource Limits:
    • Own resources worth $2,000 or less for individuals or $3,000 or less for couples.
    • Resources include cash, bank accounts, and property, but exclude a primary residence and one vehicle.
  4. Citizenship or Residency:
    • Be a U.S. citizen or a qualifying non-citizen, such as a lawful permanent resident.

How to Apply for SSI

The application process involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation: Collect documents like proof of age, Social Security number, medical records, and financial details.
  2. Submission: Apply online at the SSA website, by phone, or in person at an SSA office.
  3. Interview: Attend an interview with an SSA representative to confirm eligibility.
  4. Decision: Wait for the SSA to review your application and notify you of their decision. Benefits start the month after approval.

How Income and Resources Impact SSI

The SSA calculates SSI payments by subtracting countable income from the federal benefit rate. Excluded income includes:

  • The first $20 of most income.
  • The first $65 of earned income plus half of any earnings over $65.

If your resources exceed the limit, you may lose eligibility. It’s important to manage your assets wisely.

Additional State Supplements

Some states provide extra payments on top of federal SSI benefits. For example, California adds a supplement, raising the maximum individual benefit to $943.72. The amount and rules for these state payments vary.


  1. What is the maximum SSI benefit for an individual in 2024?
    The maximum federal SSI benefit for an individual in 2024 is $943 per month.
  2. Who qualifies for SSI benefits?
    SSI benefits are for U.S. citizens or specific non-citizens who meet the age, disability, income, and resource criteria.
  3. Can non-citizens receive SSI?
    Yes, certain non-citizens, like lawful permanent residents, may qualify if they meet eligibility requirements.
  4. How does earned income affect SSI?
    Earned income can reduce SSI benefits, but the SSA excludes part of your income when calculating payments.
  5. Do all states offer extra SSI payments?
    No, not all states provide additional payments. The rules and amounts vary by state.

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