Raw Milk and Religion: The Amish and Trump’s Win in Pennsylvania

by John
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The Amish, a traditionally quiet and apolitical community, played a surprising role in Donald Trump’s 2024 election victory. Known for their simple lifestyle, farming skills, and minimal government interaction, the Amish emerged as unexpected influencers in a key swing state, Pennsylvania. Here’s how they made an impact.

Who Are the Amish?

The Amish are a religious group famous for their simple living, horse-drawn buggies, and traditional farming. With roots in Europe, they settled in America in the 1700s to escape religious persecution. Today, the Amish are mostly concentrated in Pennsylvania, where around 100,000 of them reside. They generally avoid modern technology, government involvement, and political participation.

What Sparked the Amish’s Political Involvement?

A key issue that mobilized the Amish in 2024 was a farming controversy involving raw milk. Amos Miller, a dairy farmer, faced government restrictions for selling unpasteurized milk, a staple in Amish tradition. This crackdown angered the Amish community, who felt their rights and way of life were under threat.
Donald Trump Jr. and other conservatives highlighted this issue, framing it as government overreach. Their messaging resonated with the Amish, encouraging them to register and vote to protect their traditions.

How Did the Amish Support Trump?

Republican campaigners, led by activist Scott Presler, worked directly with the Amish community to address their concerns. They promised to safeguard their farming practices, religious freedoms, and traditional lifestyles. Trump’s policies on border control, the economy, and religious liberty aligned with Amish values, further solidifying their support.

In Lancaster County, where most of Pennsylvania’s Amish live, Trump’s vote count significantly increased over the years—from 137,000 votes in 2016 to 164,000 votes in 2024. This surge highlighted the growing political engagement of the Amish.

Why Was Pennsylvania So Important?

Pennsylvania is a swing state, meaning it can vote for either Democrats or Republicans in an election. Winning Pennsylvania is crucial for any candidate aiming for the presidency. Both parties campaigned heavily in the state, but Trump’s team successfully tapped into the Amish community, securing a critical advantage.

What Does This Mean for the Future?

The Amish involvement in Trump’s win marks a shift in their traditionally apolitical stance. Congressman Lloyd Smucker, who represents their district, noted that thousands of Amish voters registered during the 2024 election cycle. Their participation could influence future elections, especially in close contests.


1. Why don’t the Amish usually vote?
The Amish avoid government involvement due to their religious beliefs and simple lifestyle.

2. What is raw milk, and why is it important to the Amish?
Raw milk is unpasteurized milk. It’s a dietary and cultural tradition for the Amish.

3. How did Trump’s policies align with the Amish?
Trump supported religious freedom, reduced government interference, and traditional family values, which resonated with the Amish.

4. Why is Pennsylvania a key swing state?
Pennsylvania often determines the outcome of presidential elections due to its balanced political leanings.

5. Will the Amish continue to vote in future elections?
It’s possible. The 2024 election showed a growing interest in political participation among the Amish.

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