List of U.S. States That Will Not Change Their Clocks to Fall Back into Standard Time

by Owen
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List of U.S. States That Will Not Change Their Clocks to Fall Back into Standard Time

When daylight saving time ends in the fall, most states in the U.S. turn their clocks back an hour to standard time. This is done to make sure that winter mornings have as much daylight as possible.

Some states, though, have decided to keep daylight saving time (DST) all year instead of changing the clocks every two years. If you want to know which states will “spring forward” but not “fall back,” here is the current list and some background on this change in how time is kept.

States that Do Not Observe the “Fall Back” Clock Change

Several states have passed laws or resolutions to stay on daylight saving time permanently, but most states are still using daylight saving time. But under current federal law, states have to stick to standard time unless Congress gives them an exception. Here is a list of the states that have decided not to change their clocks in the fall:

State Status on DST Year-Round
Hawaii No DST observance at all; remains on standard time year-round
Arizona Does not observe DST except for the Navajo Nation
Florida Passed legislation to stay on DST but awaiting approval
Washington Passed legislation to stay on DST but awaiting approval
California Voters approved DST year-round, pending congressional approval

Why Some States Want to Stay on Daylight Saving Time

Many states want to keep daylight saving time all year for a variety of reasons, such as saving money on energy costs, lowering the number of car accidents, and enjoying longer evening daylight hours. But until federal laws are changed to allow these changes, states that have approved DST all year must still change their clocks every year.

More and more states want to keep daylight saving time and not change the clocks, so many are waiting for the federal government to do something to make this happen. For now, most people in the U.S. will still turn their clocks back in the fall. Moving toward year-round DST, on the other hand, is still a strong possibility. For many people, this could mean the end of time changes.


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