Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Indiana? Here’s What the Law Says

by Owen
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Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Indiana? Here's What the Law Says

In Indiana, the legality of marrying a cousin is governed by specific state laws. Here’s a breakdown of the regulations regarding cousin marriage in Indiana:

Cousin Marriage Laws in Indiana

  1. First Cousins:
    • Marriages between first cousins are generally prohibited unless both parties are 65 years of age or older. This exception allows older first cousins to marry legally in the state.
  2. Second Cousins and More Distant Relatives:
    • Individuals can legally marry their second cousins and any more distant relatives without restrictions. This means that marriages involving second cousins, third cousins, and so on are permitted.
  3. Legal Framework:
    • The relevant law is outlined in the Indiana Code § 31-11-1-2, which states that individuals cannot marry if they are more closely related than second cousins, with specific exceptions for first cousins who meet the age requirement.
  4. Cultural Context:
    • While cousin marriages may be viewed as taboo in some cultures, they have historical precedents in many communities. Notably, several prominent figures in history have married their cousins.

In summary, while Indiana does impose restrictions on cousin marriages, it allows first cousins to marry under specific conditions, making it one of the states with a unique stance on this issue.



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