Is It Illegal to Flip Off a Cop in Arkansas? Here’s What the Law Says

By Lucas

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Is It Illegal to Flip Off a Cop in Arkansas? Here's What the Law Says

Is it illegal to flip off a cop in Arkansas? The short answer is no, it is not illegal. Giving the middle finger to a police officer is considered protected free speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Legal Precedent

Several federal court rulings have established that flipping off a police officer is constitutionally protected expression.

In 2019, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that “flipping the bird” at an officer is protected speech and freedom of expression under the First Amendment.

While this ruling is not binding in Arkansas, it reflects the broader legal consensus on this issue.

Arkansas Law

In Arkansas specifically, there is no law that explicitly prohibits giving the middle finger to a police officer. The state’s disorderly conduct statute could potentially be applied, but courts have generally found that the gesture alone does not meet the legal threshold for disorderly conduct. According to Arkansas law, disorderly conduct includes:

  1. Using abusive or obscene language in public
  2. Making an offensive gesture in public that tends to incite an immediate breach of peace

However, courts have ruled that simply giving the middle finger, while rude, does not typically rise to the level of inciting an immediate breach of peace.

Potential Consequences

While flipping off a cop may be legally protected, it’s important to understand that it could still lead to undesirable outcomes:

  1. Increased scrutiny: An officer may use the gesture as a reason to more closely observe your behavior and look for other potential violations.
  2. Escalation: It could potentially escalate a situation unnecessarily, leading to a less favorable interaction with law enforcement.
  3. Discretionary enforcement: Officers may be more inclined to strictly enforce other laws or regulations if they feel disrespected.

Legal Advice

Legal experts generally advise against deliberately antagonizing law enforcement, even if the specific act is protected speech. As one attorney puts it, “Don’t make shit personal with the cops”. While you may have the right to flip off an officer, exercising that right could lead to unnecessary complications or confrontations.


In summary, while giving the middle finger to a police officer in Arkansas is not illegal per se, it’s generally inadvisable. The gesture is likely protected by the First Amendment, but it could still lead to negative consequences in practice.

If you believe your rights have been violated during an interaction with law enforcement, it’s best to remain calm and consult with a qualified attorney afterward rather than escalating the situation in the moment.

Remember, effective communication and mutual respect between citizens and law enforcement help maintain a safer community for everyone. While it’s important to know your rights, it’s equally important to exercise them responsibly.


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