Idaho citizens are entitled for a food credit refund regardless of their tax filing status

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Idaho citizens are entitled for a food credit refund regardless of their tax filing status

IDAHO — If you did not earn enough last year to file an income tax return, you can still receive a refund for some of the sales tax you paid on groceries in Idaho.

The Idaho State Tax Commission says that all full-year Idaho residents are eligible for a grocery credit refund.

Most people will receive a $120 refund in 2024, with an additional $120 for each qualifying dependent. People over the age of 65 receive a $140 refund.

Qualifying dependents include those born or adopted before the end of the year, as well as resident dependents who die in 2024.

According to the commission, the amount you receive is prorated to exclude any months in which you received food stamps, were in jail, or were in the United States illegally.

For more information on how to file for a credit, regardless if you file a tax return, click here.


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