Disabled veterans who continue to suffer from health issues related to their service may be eligible for a tax break.
New legislation in the Ohio House of Representatives would increase the property tax exemption for veterans who are severely disabled and continue to face health issues as a result of their service.
“While we cannot undo the pain, struggles and reduced quality of life of the disabled veteran and their family, we can ensure they receive adequate help for their sacrifices,” Rep. Tracy Richardson, Republican of Marysville, said.
House Bill 40 increases the Ohio property tax homestead exemption for 100 percent disabled veterans by $50,000 and requires a joint income of $125,000 or less to qualify.
Ohio law exempts $50,000 of a homestead value for completely disabled veterans.
If the income qualification is met, a surviving spouse is also eligible.
“Knowing they have performed their duty is enough and yet over numerous years, I have observed the silent struggles of veterans,” Richardon told the crowd.
“When they return from war or end their service, they may face significant health challenges. These are the disabled veterans we hope to assist through HB 40.”
The Ohio Legislative Service Commission estimates the bill will cost local schools and municipalities between $7.7 million and $7.8 million. The state is required to reimburse those losses from its General Fund.