Dad’s girlfriend placed his children in a tub filled with scalding water before forcibly detaining them and refused to let them make the temperature acceptable, resulting in severe injuries; sentenced

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Dad's girlfriend placed his children in a tub filled with scalding water before forcibly detaining them and refused to let them make the temperature acceptable, resulting in severe injuries; sentenced

An Ohio woman, MaIynda, 22, was sentenced to eleven years in jail after a jury found her guilty of various counts, including endangering children and causing significant physical harm.

Authorities claim the young woman badly wounded two small children, ages 4 and 5, by placing them in a tub filled with scalding hot water and refusing to let them out or lower the temperature.

According to the authorities, the defendant allegedly admitted to physically confining the youngsters in order to keep them in hot water.

The 22-year-old defendant was sentenced this week for the event that occurred in 2024. According to court documents, the young woman was in a relationship with the victim’s father at the time, and both children were in her care when they sustained serious injuries.

According to authorities, the 5-year-old girl experienced seizures and second-degree burns, while her 4-year-old sibling sustained first- and second-degree burns to her body.

The investigation began after the 911 caller informed the dispatcher that a 5-year-old youngster was having seizures. First responders found the toddler had significant burns all over her body and took her to the hospital.

The victim’s sibling was also transported to the hospital for treatment. During the inquiry, Ohio officials immediately determined that the woman was to blame for the children’s injuries and arrested her.

During the inquiry, investigators discovered that the woman placed both victims in a tub filled with scalding hot water and refused to let them out. The mother reportedly admitted to detaining the youngsters and refusing to let them make the water colder.

According to court documents, after serving her sentence, the lady must serve three years of probation under the supervision of the Ohio Adult Parole Authority.


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