Called the guy a b—- and struck him’: Florida lady split man’s face open with Pringles can inside 7-Eleven, police say

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Called the guy a b---- and struck him': Florida lady split man's face open with Pringles can inside 7-Eleven, police say

A woman was recently arrested in Florida after allegedly attacking a man with a can of Pringles, potentially causing him “permanent disfigurement,” according to law enforcement.

Shanika Serdahl, 28, faces one count of aggravated battery, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

The incident happened on Thursday at a 7-Eleven on International Drive in Orlando, according to an arrest affidavit.

According to the court document, a deputy arrived after receiving a call about a “physical fight” at the convenience store.

The victim, a man, told the deputy that “a male approached him and made a comment to him about his vehicle,” according to the affidavit.

Inside the store, the victim asked the defendant “if she was with the man” who had inquired about his vehicle, according to police.

The narrative abruptly addresses violence.

“[The victim] stated that Shanika eventually struck him in the eye with a Pringles chip can and took off running,” according to the warrant. “While speaking with [the victim], I noticed that he had a significant cut on his right brow and below his eye, which caused him to bleed.

The cut appeared significant and would result in a scar and permanent disfigurement.”

Later, law enforcement apprehended Serdahl south of the 7-Eleven.

After the victim identified her as the alleged perpetrator, she was detained and returned to the crime scene, according to authorities.

“I asked Shanika what happened and she advised me that while inside the 7-Eleven [the victim] was saying rude things to her and being disrespectful,” the deputy recalls.

“Shanika stated that [the victim] once called her a c—. Shanika admitted that she hit the victim because he was being rude to her.

The man who was attacked, however, claimed that he was not being rude at all.

“As I pulled up to the 7-Eleven there was a guy sitting outside and as I got out the car he said something under his breath so I ignored him and walked into the 7-Eleven,” the individual who was attacked told the officer.

As I was standing in line, there was a young lady in front of me talking to the cashier; she appeared to have been drinking. So she stood to the side, and just as I was about to pay for my drink, I asked the young lady if she knew the guy outside.”

The victim told the police. Following this, Serdahl “turned around and hit me in my eye and above my eye with a Pringles chip can and split my brow above my eye.”

A 7-Eleven employee later vouched for the victim’s version.

“A male customer got hit in the head by a can of Pringles,” the employee told the deputy. “All the guy was doing was telling me about another male customer who was lying down on the side of the building.

The female called the guy a b—- and hit him with the Pringles, which literally flew down one of the aisles. The male customer’s brow had split open.

According to the deputy, the defendant was later discovered to be carrying a can of Pringles. According to the affidavit, he asked her if she paid for that can, to which she allegedly replied that “she was unsure.”

“[D]ue to not having immediate access to the cameras Shanika was not charged for the petit theft due to the lack of evidence at the time of arrest,” according to the deputy’s report.

The defendant was arrested the same day.

Serdahl was not listed as an inmate in the Orange County Jail as of this writing.


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