Prevent your identity from being stolen – How to protect your social security number

by Owen
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Prevent your identity from being stolen – How to protect your social security number

Your Social Security Number (SSN) is very important personal data that can get you into a lot of trouble if it is misused. It’s possible that your SSN is already out there online, sometimes even in illegal markets. But there are ways to keep it safe and stop other people from using it against you.

Your SSN is a unique number that is linked to a lot of personal information. This number is linked to a lot of important parts of your financial life, like your credit history, government benefits, and work history.

Why it’s essential to protect your Social Security Number

Someone who gets their hands on your SSN could use it to get loans, open bank accounts, file tax returns, or even apply for a job in your name. This is why it’s so important to keep your SSN safe and look out for signs of abuse.

Self Lock is a service provided by the government that lets you stop your SSN from being used for employment checks. E-Verify offers this free service that stops anyone from using your SSN to get a job without your permission.

You need an E-Verify account in order to turn on Self Lock. Another option is to call the Social Security Administration (SSA) at 1-800-772-1213 and ask them to lock your SSN. However, you may have to wait while you wait.

How to monitor your earnings and benefits

The Social Security Administration has an online tool called “my Social Security” that lets people see their past earnings and current benefits. It’s free to make an account on this platform, and you should check it often for any problems.

It’s a good idea to check your account at least once a year, even if you’re not getting benefits yet, to make sure that all of your earnings match your real work history. If your account is more than three years old, you may need to update your access through or in order to to use this platform again.

Prevent your identity from being stolen – How to protect your social security number
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Signs that someone might be using your Social Security Number

There are several signs that someone is using your SSN without your permission that could let you know something is wrong.

Unexpected bills or accounts

Getting bills or alerts about accounts you haven’t opened is one of the clearest signs that your SSN may have been stolen. If someone applies for credit or sets up services using your name, you will probably be told that you need to pay them. To stop this from happening again, call the card issuer right away to report the fraud and think about putting a freeze on your credit.

Tax forms from unknown employers

You might have been hired by someone else using your Social Security number if you get tax forms from companies where you haven’t worked, like W-2s or 1099s. Fraud at work can get you in trouble with the IRS and cause tax problems. If this sounds like you, you should contact the IRS right away to avoid any possible legal or financial problems.

Issues with your tax return

Getting a notice from the IRS that someone has already filed a tax return under your name is a red flag that someone is using your SSN to get benefits. This is a common way for thieves to get refunds that should be yours. If this happens, you should report the fraud right away at You may also need to fill out Form 14039 (Identity Theft Affidavit) to make the report official.

Unfamiliar activity in your credit report

Another way to find out if someone is using your SSN without your permission is to look at your credit report for any strange activity. It’s likely that someone is using your identity if you find new credit lines or accounts that you didn’t apply for.

You can get a free credit report from each of the three main credit bureaus once a year through For ongoing monitoring, it can be helpful to ask one bureau for a report every four months.

Denial of government benefits

If you are turned down for benefits like disability, Medicare, or unemployment, it could be because someone else is using your SSN to apply for these benefits. In this case, you should call the right agency, explain what’s going on, and then do what they say to get your benefits back.

What to do if you suspect identity theft

It’s very important to act right away if you think your SSN has been stolen or used fraudulently. At, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a complete guide. You can fill out a form and get a personalized action plan to get your identity back.

You can also call your bank and credit card companies and report the theft to the IRS through its identity theft center. There are a lot of places that offer free identity theft protection services that can help you keep an eye on things and stop fraud.

You have to be careful and take action all the time to protect your Social Security number. Identity theft can have very bad effects, but you can lower the risks by keeping an eye on things regularly and using the tools that are out there.

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