Taxes are changing forever in the US in 2025 – IRS makes it official and it will affect millions

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Taxes are changing forever in the US in 2025 – IRS makes it official and it will affect millions

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announces all the changes it will make to tax rules for the next tax year at the end of each year. These changes may or may not be big.

By making them early, Americans who will be affected will have time to figure out which ones will have an effect on them, whether in a good or bad way. One of the changes this year means that Americans will make about 2.8% more next year because of the changes.

This may come as a surprise to many, since inflation has wiped out many people’s savings by making things more expensive. When prices of goods and services go up, people’s income loses some of its value. To make up for this, the IRS has made some changes to its tax tables and other tax parameters.

The adjustments the IRS has made to tax parameters

Different kinds of money are taxed in different ways. The IRS uses tax brackets to figure out how much of your income is taxed. Most Americans may not know this. The tax rate on each dollar of income is based on these tax brackets, which are raised every so often to keep up with the rising cost of living.

So people whose income keeps up with the cost of living don’t get stuck in a higher tax bracket and have to pay more in taxes even though they don’t make that much more.

Also to help with this, standard deductions were raised for all filing statuses. These deductions let taxpayers lower their taxable income. The amount of itemized deductions will stay the same, but the effect will likely have changed because the amounts to deduct will have gone up.

Taxes are changing forever in the US in 2025 – IRS makes it official and it will affect millions
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There were also changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is a tax credit that can be refunded and is meant to help families with low or moderate incomes. The refund will go up in the new year, which will help these working families.

Some people might think that you have to have kids to qualify because most of the families who qualify do. But families without kids may still meet the requirements. You must do the following to get this credit:

  • Have worked and earned income under $63,398
  • Have investment income below $11,000 in the tax year 2023
  • Have a valid Social Security number by the due date of your 2023 return (including extensions)
  • Be a U.S. citizen or a resident alien all year
  • Not file Form 2555, Foreign Earned Income
  • Meet certain rules if you are separated from your spouse and not filing a joint tax return

There was also a change to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). This is a tax that people with certain tax breaks and a lot of money, which can lead to big tax breaks, have to pay. The AMT limits these benefits and helps make sure that people who get them pay at least a certain amount of tax.

To figure out this tax, the IRS says, “The AMT is the difference between the regular tax and the tentative minimum tax.” In other words, you only have to pay the AMT if the estimated minimum tax for the year is higher than the regular tax for that year. The proposed minimum tax is calculated separately from the main tax.

To figure out the possible minimum tax, you should: figure out taxable income by removing or lowering some exemptions and deductions; and figure out when certain things are used to figure out regular taxable income and alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI). Taking away the AMT exemption amount, multiplying the number found in (2) by the correct AMT tax rates, and taking away the AMT foreign tax credit.

The IRS made most of these changes based on the Chained Consumer Price Index (C-CPI), which is an index of inflation. This index tracks changes in the prices of a group of goods and services that American households buy. It is in addition to the CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) and the CPI for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) that the Bureau of Labor Statistics already makes.

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