A Washington state man learned his fate in the fatal shooting of a young father of two baby boys when he tried to break up a fight between a jealous woman and her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend.
Artavious Zyshue Magee, 24, was sentenced to 13 years and four months in prison on Friday for fatally shooting Lehman “Charrod” Tucker.
Magee previously pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter. Audrianna Young, his co-defendant, is accused of orchestrating the April 18, 2023 killing.
She allegedly threatened her ex-boyfriend via text message, saying, “Come outside” with a picture of herself holding a handgun and “I’m gonna light that house up,” according to local Fox affiliate KCPQ.
La Jonna Johnson, Tucker’s mother, spoke out in January 2024, after Pierce County Prosecutors charged Young and issued an arrest warrant for her.
Young was charged with second-degree murder and has a court hearing for a plea deal scheduled for January 24.
“I’m not sure what your thoughts were on the day you brought Artavious to the apartment, but the fact that you sent a message saying, ‘I’m gonna light this place up,’ tells me that you were expecting trouble. Whether you gave it a second thought or not, you have permanently damaged our family.
My grandsons will have to grow up without their father. I’m constantly having to comfort my daughter about what happened to her brother.”
The violence occurred outside an apartment in Tacoma.
According to court records, the fight began after Young allegedly became enraged because her ex-boyfriend, Tucker’s friend, and the friend’s new girlfriend were expecting a child.
Tucker’s parents claimed their son was caught in the middle of a fight between a woman and her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend.
“It was just the ex-girlfriend coming in to kind of start trouble, and then someone — out of nowhere — came with a ski mask on and shot him six times in the torso as he was walking away,” his mom told KING, a local NBC station.
Tucker’s GoFundMe page said he was a father, brother, son, and friend to everyone.
“Many know Charrod from school and sports,” the page stated. “Most people know him for constantly dancing and singing.
He always smiled and made others laugh or smile. He was known for being nice to everyone and making friends with strangers. Charrod was competitive and motivated.
He knew he was born to leave a legacy, whether it was through high school sports or music.
According to the website, he had recently been hired at a new job and was working to improve himself and become the best father he could be.
“He knew he had the support and family behind him, that he could do anything and we would have his back,” according to the profile. “Those babies now need us. “These children and their mothers require his village now more than ever.”