Tesla owner stung by ex-wife must part with $97,000

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Tesla owner stung by ex-wife must part with $97,000

They say the truth will come out, right? This Tesla driver in Sweden has taken the phrase to the extreme.

What began as an attempt to deceive an insurance company following an accident took an unexpected turn, culminating in a story of betrayal and a clear lesson. What is the key to it all? His ex-wife recorded a video.

Wait, what? What’re you reading? This is the story of how a misuse of the autopilot resulted in a conviction; stay and we will tell you the gossip!

The accident:

Last August, on a road near Tärnsjö in Sweden, a thirty-five-year-old man decided to test whether his Tesla’s autopilot was working properly while driving with his then-wife.

She took a video while the driver intentionally left the driver’s seat and allowed the car to drive itself. What happened then? The Tesla’s AUTOPILOT system sent out alerts just before disengaging, but it was too late.

The Tesla crashed into a guardrail, causing extensive damage. When the man decided to report the accident to his insurance company, he claimed that the car had lost traction on the ice and its wheels had locked up.

However, he neglected to mention a minor, insignificant detail: he had activated the autopilot and was not even behind the wheel at the time of the accident!!

The couple’s relationship ended a few months after the accident, and in an unexpected turn of events, the ex-wife decided to exact revenge on her ex-husband by giving the police the video of the incident, which clearly showed reckless driving!

So, while he was attempting to cheat on his car insurance, this video was critical to the judge’s decision at the trial.

This case eventually reached the High Court, where the man was convicted of insurance fraud and negligent driving.

Following the viewing of this video, he received a suspended sentence, 200 hours of community service, and an order to pay 716,570 Swedish krona (approximately $65,000) in compensation to the insurance company.

Every technology carries a responsibility (or something like that)

This case demonstrates how the misuse of technology (such as the autopilot in this case) can result in serious legal consequences.

Even if Tesla’s vehicles have very advanced safety systems, you should never take your eyes off the road or your hands off the wheel, let alone leave the driver’s seat!!!! Remember that you are never alone on the road (often not even in your own car, as in this case), and that reckless driving can kill many people.

Although the man claimed that the Tesla automatically sent videos of the incidents to insurance companies and that his ex-wife drugged him (which could never be proven), he was held accountable for his actions.

From this news-gossip we can learn three lessons:

  1. Responsibility at the wheel is crucial, even if you use the autopilot.
  2. Drivers must understand the benefits and limitations of the technology in our vehicles and make good use of them.
  3. Trying to cheat an insurance company can either work out well, or it can cost you thousands of dollars, as happened to this man. Better not take any chances and take responsibility for your own decisions.

And, while this case may appear to be the first episode of a sitcom, it is important to remember that the driver put his life and the lives of the occupants of his vehicle in danger for a “joke,” and beyond the scandal of the betrayal and attempted deception, we must be aware that we are never alone on the road and that we must protect both human property and the environment, which belongs to everyone.

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