On pain of contempt,’ the judge threatened Giuliani with turning over belongings allegedly ‘secreted away’ when the ‘IStandWithRudy’ hashtag appeared in the election workers’ defamation case

by Owen
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On pain of contempt,' the judge threatened Giuliani with turning over belongings allegedly 'secreted away' when the 'IStandWithRudy' hashtag appeared in the election workers' defamation case

A federal judge in Manhattan has ordered Rudy Giuliani to stop stalling and turn over the personal property he owes to two Georgia election workers for $148 million for falsely claiming they rigged the 2020 presidential election vote tabulation.

U.S. District Court Judge Lewis J. Liman ordered the former New York City mayor on Friday to deliver all of the property owed to Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea ArShaye “Shaye” Moss by December 9, or face contempt of court charges.

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In a three-page order, Liman stated that during an in-person hearing on Nov. 7, 2024, he was informed that Giuliani had not turned over any of the property that was the subject of an Oct. 29 court order.

Giuliani was then ordered to turn over everything included in a “Turnover Order” by November 1 — an order with which Liman claims the staunch Trump ally has yet to comply.

In light of Defendant’s noncompliance, Plaintiffs-Receivers have issued new directives to Defendant pursuant to the Turnover Order. The Court has reviewed the directives and finds that they are consistent with, and authorized by, the Turnover Order.

Accordingly, and for the avoidance of doubt, the Court orders that Defendant Giuliani shall comply with the following instructions provided by the Plaintiffs- Receivers on pain of contempt:

1. By no later than 5 p.m. Friday, December 6, 2024, Mr. Giuliani shall segregate all Receivership Property located at the CTS Facility from property that is not subject to the Turnover Order;
2. By the same date and time, Mr. Giuliani shall provide a detailed list containing pictures of the segregated Receivership Property located at the CTS Facility sufficient to show the size and quantity of that property;
3. By Monday, December 9, 2024, the Receivers will provide Mr. Giuliani with the location of a New York-based storage facility, and the date and time when Mr. Giuliani shall deliver all of the Receivership Property located at the CTS Facility;
4. Mr. Giuliani shall deliver all of the Receivership Property stored at the CTS Facility to the New York-based storage facility provided by Receivers no later than Friday, December 13, 2024;
5. Defendant Giuliani, his attorneys, agents, and persons in active concert or participation with him or them shall not transfer, encumber, or interfere with any of Defendant’s

Liman’s order threatening Giuliani with contempt is the most recent development in the lengthy legal proceedings surrounding the massive judgment against Giuliani.

The case has taken several bizarre turns in recent weeks, most notably when Giuliani allegedly “secreted away” all of the valuable items from his $6 million Manhattan apartment last month. A storage facility on Long Island, more than 50 miles from New York City, received the personal items.

Then, just days after Giuliani made several requests for public donations because he couldn’t afford to feed himself, his lawyers resigned without informing him.

Giuliani then hired Joseph M. Cammarata, a lawyer at Cammarata & De Meyer P.C. on Staten Island, as his counsel.

Cammarata made an immediate impression by holding a news conference outside the New York City law offices of Willkie Farr & Gallagher, the firm that represents Moss and Freeman, during which he took a particularly combative stance and reiterated his determination to protect Giuliani.

“They have more than ten attorneys working on this case,” Cammarata said during the news conference. “The story of David and Goliath will continue.

The United States of America is pitted against everyone. The current situation is unacceptable. “We will not allow it.”

According to a filing from Moss and Freeman’s attorneys, Cammarata’s words sparked an “online media campaign” in support of the former NYC mayor using the hashtag “IStandWithRudy.”

The owner of the storage facility that houses Giuliani’s personal belongings took to social media last week to discuss the case.

This is our intended location. They plan to dissect Rudy Giuliani’s life. In the video, the owner of the America First Warehouse storage facility, “Joe the Box,” says, “Right here.”

“I am going to film it in front of my eyes and yours.” This will not happen. America needs to recover quickly.” Pray for Rudy Giuliani; today is his day.”

Freeman and Moss argued that a court order was required to ensure that Giuliani could not simply “continue his approach of doing the bare minimum or less in court while spending his time (and dispatching his counsel, friends, and advisers to do the same) attacking the judicial process, the court, and opposing counsel in the press and on social media.”


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