$725 Stimulus Payment Eligibility: Who Will Receive the February 2025 Deposit This Week?

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$725 Stimulus Payment Eligibility: Who Will Receive the February 2025 Deposit This Week?

In California, as in the rest of the United States, government assistance meets the majority of the needs of families in precarious situations.

One of the most popular right now is the one provided in Sacramento County with stimulus checks from the Family Financial Support Pilot Program (FFESP), which entails monthly payments of $725.

The program is being tested for one year, from December 15, 2024 to November 15, 2025, so eligible households are already anticipating these resources in the face of rising inflation and overall living costs.

Eligibility for the FFESP is determined by family size and income, so eligible households can receive up to $725 in the third month of payment into accounts linked to their tax returns.

Who will receive the $725 stimulus payment in February?

According to the Sacramento government, families living in the zip codes 95815, 95821, 95823, 95825, 95828, and 95838 will be eligible for the $725 stimulus check in February 2025.

The program aims to prioritize African American and Native American families living in specific zip codes.

How do I know if I’m eligible for FFESP?

These are the requirements to be eligible for payment under the Sacramento, California Family Financial Support Pilot Program:

  • Have at least one child under the age of five and live in certain Sacramento zip codes with a household income at or below 200% of the FPL.
  • Demonstrate that you are a resident and that the income levels of the parents or guardians are within the specified range
  • Demonstrating eligibility for the next round of applications is now closed, there may be further opportunities in the future.
  • Not participate in any other program that offers guaranteed income.

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